I gotta say I was very pessimistic about magic taking over but everything I have seen and heard has swayed me back towards his side. I think I...
watching the dream, it's easy to see elements of his footwork in kobes game. granted, kobe realized the importance of footwork before working...
I wasn't alive to witness this, but my dad always brings up jerry west winning the finals mvp on a losing team (albeit while playing with a very...
RIP :Byronbye:
ok i get what you're saying a little more. however i look at it like u have to take the good with the bad and in stephs case the good is actually...
LOL why so much hate for curry? Turnovers or not, that dude is "great"
i had forgotten that one of the best things about the finals is all the internet/gif/meme reaction during/after. all of it has me cracking up....
^^ I am a big fan of Tim Frazier as well. When he had a shot to run the offense last season he did very well. I honestly dont think he was given...
other than us losing to detroit and boston in the finals, nothing lakers related hurts/angers me more than this veto ps- honorable mention goes...
just imagine this summer if the cavs win :Woozyshaq:
well said. i too wish there was more to the story. the fighting almost makes up for it, and i look at it almost as a kill bill crossed with mad...
Into The Badlands! nuff said
ok so it sounds like you are on the side of not giving the coaches that much credit. that stance is fine, but if you believe that then why does...
he also does some rapping...pretty sure that isnt at his dads direction. IMO you def have to be confident if your gonna put yourself out there...
I hear what you're saying and I have noticed that too...but I think we should also focus on the interviews he gives without his dad. those are a...
serious question - how much credit does mike brown deserve for leading the warriors to an undefeated playoffs so far? and for those of you who do...
what do you have against gobert? or how do you view him as overrated? I'm genuinely curious. I personally think that this year he lived up to...
devour? cmon now...I mean the cavs have been looking good but who have they had to defend? lets see them continue this historic scoring spree...
and dwights response......