did zu maybe get a little big headed about his success this last season? did he maybe enjoy himself a bit too much this offseason (which in a way...
I don't know what our scouts continue to see that others don't, but KUUUUdos to them!
you ever had a bad sprain? often times it can make you completely immobile. were not all kobe haha. with that said - I share your sentiments...
zu playing badly/looking slow seems to be about the only thing 100% people on this forum can agree upon...that is not good
you'll definitely enjoy them. check out angry boys. sooo good
have you seen any of his other shows? found them to be very funny too
Still [IMG]'S
thank you @trodgers !
man, i just saw the title of this thread and thought somehow deng being shutdown was referring to this upcoming season haha. damn near had a...
woe is us
lol did i really read that doc turned down getting melo for pierce, crawford and his son? wow haha
haha good stuff. kawhi is the truth. its too bad he didn't come to the league a bit earlier. woulda loved to see him and prime kobe go at it
this remains to be seen. there have been many players who could balance off court entertainment while still performing at a high level,...
yes i believe it is. heres a link to the official rules. some cool stuff in this league https://big3.com/league-philosophy/rules-the-court
i get that clarkson has his weaknesses, but he also has some strengths that this team is sorely going to need all the more with russell gone....
early word out from philly is that he is refusing to play on sundays
I cant say for sure why, but not only do I think Clarkson will be on the team come the regular season, but I think he is going to really benefit...
"NO similarity"? keep telling yourself that haha
https://www.theplayerstribune.com/2016-6-22-shareef-abdur-rahim-1996-nba-draft-the-greatest-draft-class/ cool stuff from shareef abdur rahim...
Havent thought about Sky in a while haha