cmon guys, just give up. OX knows all
[MEDIA] Like I said in another thread, this is prob the first time I have agreed with Lebron. These are dark, dark days. I feel unclean.
first time i think ive ever agreed with lebron. not sure this is real life
hypothetically i wonder what we could have offered to get him? for Kanter, a 2nd rounder, and a ham sandwich...
trump - "You can't break up with me if I break up with you first!" re- warriors invitation snub
haha just having fun with sirrons emojis in these last dog days of summer. we are on the same page my friend
question for you gents- in a keeper league, which 2 would you choose? Before each season we select 2 and im in a bind James Harden, Jimmy...
:Lonzoreally::KobeConfused::Randallconfused: :Shaqwink: is it monday yet?
have i mentioned recently i like kyrie? #FLBJ
talking about the dunk right?
the wait is almost over! :Lonzoreally: :Noddingyes: :Magic2:
what other sports site (or any site for that matter) has this good a collection of relevant custom gifs/smilies? forever grateful.
people always forget this brother too... :Brows: [MEDIA]
LOL take it easy. Not everyone finds the same things entertaining. I know plenty of people that would rather pluck their eyes out than watch a...
:Noddingyes::KobePoint::Kobefistbump::FistPump::JuliusPumped 1:
nance is on that BiPro tip too...i wonder if they snagged any other of our guys
done n done. Boston adds a 2020 2nd rounder to make if official
ive said it before and ill say it again. game recognize game. nuff said