His explanation was he wanted veteran leadership to mentor the young guys but Mosgov can't even speak English (he's Russian) and Deng was never a...
Honest question, would you let your kids anywhere near Biden after you just saw that video? If so, I feel bad for your child. He whispers to 5...
That is my plan as well. Get a few kids, retire comfortably when they are grown adults who can support themselves, and then move out somewhere to...
Isn't it amazing how divided this country, specifically politicians, has become? Senate approved Scalia 98-0. Today, it's almost 50-50 in the most...
Javale McGee sold his LA home. Who knows what that means. It makes it an easy decision for us to go after Dwight+Cousins or Ibaka.
'Alright guys, open your mouths if you're about to blow a 3-1 lead this playoffs.'
That's true in some sense but people have the ability to research and do due diligence. It's entirely possible for both voter base to be forced...
Kawhi is an idiot. Fantastic player but he tried to be like LeBron and dictate how a roster should be. Shae Gilgeous has potential to be better...
Break that roster up? They should just break up from the NBA... go bring back the Sonics or something.
You mean to tell me you don't enjoy the high taxes so you can live in a 600 sq ft home and outside, you have an amazing view of homeless people...
That's the type of stuff players always say when they play bad. The problem with that is Danny Green had a consistent level of poor performances...
None of what you said has translated into improving his NBA game other than defense, though. The numbers prove it. Anyone can get bigger,...
[MEDIA] Great news... Phil is staying. Or at least, heavily implying that he is. "I'm waiting for Vogel to call or text me the next directive."
[MEDIA] Come to the Lakers but you're going to need a new jersey #....
I guarantee Dwight started it. He's the only dude on the team that would know about Jimmy Neutron LOL...
Rich Paul is in the business of getting his clients paid as well as, if possible, helping LeBron get a ring. AD already gave up some money so the...
I think his son works for the Clippers while Jerry himself is more of a 'consultant' to the team. It's more of an unofficial role, if I am not...
The only improvement I've seen from his game compared to the rookie season is his defense. I can't say anything else. His 3P shooting has been...
Whether it happens or not, major props to this franchise for doing everything they can to improve this roster. I didn't even know it was possible....
Most of the mainstream media today leans left. Trump gets bad publicity 24/7. FOX is the only mainstream media actively attacking Biden. Twitter...