Yeah but he can be cheerleading with the team still if he's got an official Lakers role.
I think Marc Gasol is a downgrade for the Lakers from Dwight. He's a better floor spacer and passer but he's slow, not the same defender, and...
Wes at this price is a no brainer. I won't say he's better than DG because I don't think he is but for $3.6 million, he's 100% worth it....
WTF is going on with these players backing out of deals? Totally unprofessional, man. Either that or Shams/Woj have some bad sources.
Why can't the Lakers just offer Dudley an executive position with the team? He's likely not going to get any minutes next season and we could use...
Wow, Wood at $9 million is super good. If I am Harden, I run it back... Wood can be a 20/10 player for them.
Don't assume Dwight did something bad. I know the Lakers wanted him back but for Dwight to sign the vet minimum, something must have happened...
How is Bogdan's defense? He can shoot the ball but at least when DG's shot was off, he was able to play solid defense.
When you play with LeBron, you better learn how to cut or figure it out because you're going to get a wide open basket. You say he's been...
He's still part of Klutch. He was with them when the Klutch group showed up to Anthony Edwards draft workout or whatever that was. Noel and...
Caruso has a much higher basketball IQ than Kuzma. I'm sure they both work hard to improve their game but you can't teach basketball smarts. Kuzma...
Tilman liked a tweet that showed how much the Warriors were going to have to pay for going over the cap if they got Kelly. It was some huge amount...
I like Javale... He does what we need. Doesn't take dumb shots, finds easy lobs or putbacks, blocks a few shots here and there, and rebound. He...
Noticed how Ramona has no more Lakers scoop lol. Poor pig screwed herself over from the hottest team in the NBA because she tried to be the new...
I agree. I don't blame Magic because he probably only took the job because Jeannie begged him after her brother and Mitch were ruining it but...
Remember when Ramona claimed Rob didn't know how the salary cap worked? Bob Marks comes out saying the Lakers can't do this or that and then a...
I'm not sure what Dwight meant by playing for free. I like to think of it as a mutual benefit... Lakers gave him an opportunity when almost every...
It's unfortunate for Kyrie. He let feelings get in the way of creating a dynasty with the Lakers. Kyrie, Lillard, or Steph would have made this...
The league needs to address their new tampering rules. Players can do it by proxy for their team. It really makes no sense how they try and...
Yes, I agree. Since we won without him in the bubble, it doesn't hurt as much. He wanted more money when he wasn't with the Lakers when we needed...