never say never with looney, hes a hard worker
not shut down but AR clearly cannot hang with klay and those 3 O reb he gave up to wiggins were bad too
keep this up n i won't mind mle
good could be better
this AD, every gm...MONSTER
he can stay on the bench, hoping for him to do something worth while seem futile at this point, Poole will destroy him if he gets any floor time
Brooks is probably why Wangster Ja came about
Beasley is constantly getting lost on his man and didnt it seem in the mem series anytime he was on the floor mem made runs?
so why mention have i seen walker def? beasley is getting minutes for his apparent shooting but that he's not giving us that
maybe phi can finally get pass bos for once
i know if we had an owner like ballmer/lacob that would be an easy yes, problem is buss family operating on a Mcdonald budget while the bigger...
could we afford to use mle if dlo, rui n ar are all brought back?
brooks wont be back with mem imo, ja ext kicks in, Bane is extension eligible and lasty Brooks isnt good enough to warrant his expected pay and...
n beasley is any better?
couldve said that with dwight too prior to his 2nd stint here
i appreciate ds hustle, just doesn't an mle for him....i mean who are we competing against for his services?
whats wrong with Wood? Poor man Turner imo, could easily start with ad or replace some of ad production should/when ad is out
walker can, ham just has weird love for beasley
lets see how he handles fox/curry
not a pt guard not enough shooting, hes lucky ja had a bad hand...mle needs to be for a higher lvl player. he can come back for ble