Wow, Klay puts up 27 to beat Steph for the 3 pt title.
The 3 pt contest is the main event now of all-star saturday in my opinion. They should have it last, and expand it a bit. Bigger field.
Why the f would bring Byron back? I see no logical reason behind it. If they do, the front office is as incompetent as our coach is and need to...
Towns, a big guy, wins the skills challenge.
Mudiay is on the World team. They had Smart starting over Russ I believe. Smart is terrible.
LOL, I like the dynamic between Russ and Clarkson. They seem like best buds.
It could be part of the cause of some of Kobe's shoulder injuries. He dunks with such crazy power at times.
Its' just asinine. There's no reasoning for it.
Kobe's body control, dexterity, and flexibility in the air is just incredible. We've seen higher jumpers, but I've never seen player with that...
Einstein's brilliance continues to astound. So many of his theories 100 years ago are just recently been confirmed with the technology we have today.
This is just asinine. There's no f'n way he's number 3. Even a die hard cavs fan would have a hard time putting him there. ESPN must have some...
Thanks, Battle. That's awesome of the Spurs.
Anyone have video of the Spur's tribute to kobe?
I get why ESPN does it but ranking Kobe 12th is just straight up disrespectful. The other media outlets should be blasting them for it. I have...
Any of us here would be an upgrade over Byron and I'm not even kidding.
Curry is 10-13 from 3 pt range with 2 mins to go in the 3rd. Kobe's record of 3s in one game may be broken.
I really think 85% of the drop off from 2012 compared to today is due to injuries (mainly achilles), the other 15% being age. If he hadn't been...
Old man can still do it. It's a shame all the injuries have caught up to him.
Sad but strangely true.
I'm with Trodgers on this. I know its not a big deal but its still not cool.