Of course you guys agree with him. Pro-Lakers comments by Lakers fans, gee, I wonder why. Gotta get those likes, am I right? I bet he wasn't...
The fact you think Joe Johnson is better than James Harden is all I need to know about your BBIQ. Nothing else needs to be said. As for...
There is a reason why centers and power forwards haven't been the best in the game for a reason. Last time was Shaq and maybe Tim Duncan. The rest...
Lol, what's your issue? Why would I be triggered over the Rockets and James Harden? 'Dishonorable.' What does that even mean? James Harden gets...
1st Q/3rd Q: LeBron first 5-6 minutes before being benched Schroder first 9-10 minutes before being benched 2nd Q/4th Q: LeBron first 5 minutes...
I disagree. Westbrook is a better player than Wall but the fit doesn't make sense. Wall is more naturally a pass-first player so he's going to try...
THT might be better than Kuz as well in the next couple of years so the Lakers will have to keep that in mind. If THT can be the 3/D player that...
Ehhh, I don't think excuses will be needed. I'd love to watch this movie but would never step foot in a theater until COVID is officially out of...
Yes, but you're talking about an entirely different league back then. Dirk and Duncan were first option players but the style of basketball back...
If Kuzma becomes a good 3/D guy, he's going to get paid. He has to do both, though. Jerami Grant got paid $60 million/3 years. Grant averaged 12...
That's fair. I hope you are right. My stance is that LeBron was content with AD being the leading scorer. If LeBron wanted to drop 30 selfishly,...
I thought Rockets won this trade. Westbrook would never work with Harden and Wall, despite going through crazy injuries, is still younger and a...
I think we all subtly bullied Vash in some way. I hope he returns. I thought his position was fair but with the Lakers winning it and AD signing...
Lakers always had enough for AD's max. Bron's deal is just an extension. He's going to be making the same money this season regardless of the...
AD won a national title being the best player on his team by playing defense and rebounding. That's his natural role, honestly. As a first option...
They said he came to the Lakers to film movies and yet, he's winning titles as well as filming movies. This guy can do it all
What's with Kuzma wanting an extension when he didn't even play well last season? This guy should be coming out blazing hot for the Lakers if he...
With how in the know LeBron is and by association, everyone in Klutch will have the up-to-date info for their clients. CP3 is probably letting...
I just realized that Harden has a 15% trade kicker. It would make zero sense for them to trade him unless they are getting an insane amount of...
I feel bad for Boogie. He was so close to getting a guaranteed max but got injured. Same with Isaiah Thomas. Played his heart out through injuries...