No player, however good and big he is, should ever downplay his coach and takeover timeouts because hes angry. his expressions in timeouts is so...
The more i think about it, the more i don't think Gasol will leave Memphis for a bad team like us. going to the Spurs or Pacers (as a Hibbert...
That's kinda stupid for OKC. it's still the begining of the season and those 2 coming back can be a possibly 20 wins streak with enough...
as much as I can praise Kobe he needs to get criticized this time. I think the team was right in the game the whole first half. Lin and Hill was...
Is it possible that Wes played better tonight then Kobe??
is manny harris the dude that looked like a young Kobe and had some amazing dunks?
I'm sold on this guy. reminds me alot of Ibaka. book him and Randle together for years to come.
for me it's all about how happy are we about Price. Mekel will do a better job than him, but, it's better to bring Miller and make Price somehow a...
I remember Bryon Scott saying that all he need is 8 players playing on high level. and looking into the last 2 games - he was right. right now...
i'm starting to believe everything he is doing is on purpose. if he let Young control the game a little bit its for building his confidence as...
I'm far from believing that, but what I do can see is Kobe improving from game to game. right now he looks like 2012 Kobe at 80% of his game. and...
[MEDIA] I'm from israel, knows this guy really well. suggest watching the video to see some of his abilities. he's a great passer and a really...
he's been great with defence on Harden and the last minute heroics. but overall another bad game. in the first half everyone was clicking except...
Kobe the last 2 games... WOW. took alot of shots but almost everyone of them was in place. even i didn't believe he will play that good. fantasy...
His 3pointer at the end of the first querter from a Kobe pass was PRICELESS.
actually both Butler, Jeff Green and Tobias Harris is having a great year. I would be happy with any one of them.
I don't have a problam with Kobe shooting too much. he's right on target about his teamates. i have a problam about some of the shots his taking....
Atleast to the camera he shows alot of love to Lebron. I don't think he will leave the Cavs so soon.
so... who's the top 5 prospects in the upcoming draft?