Judging by all the "what do we have to lose" & "couldn't be worse" phrases in your posts, you have NO IDEA how much worse things could get.
My respect for Mitch just kicked up even higher for this. The character it took to not do a dumb short-sighted move to save his job is pretty...
This x infinity
Can we all take a moment to pour one out for Mitch's Magic Wand... [IMG] Rest easy, old friend. Thanks for the memories!
Only thing I can think of was that Black was viewed as a "Mitch Ally" and thus had to be shown the door to prevent any sort of divide moving...
The timing & general clunkiness of this whole crapfest just shines the brightest spotlight on Jeanie's total incompetence. She's appealing to the...
*backside puckers anxiously*
Of course, we'll give him a chance. What choice do we have?!? And yes, if you look level-headedly at Mitch's tenure over the past 2 decades or...
I just posted about how I hoped this wouldn't be the case. And right before the trade deadline?!? F you, Jeanie. If this blows up in...
Having Kobe all those years & the Pau trade made a lot of Laker fans used to "quick fixes" being the norm. We're all in the midst of sitting...
Man, it feels like YEARS ago when I held Jeanie & Ding is very high regard. Now that Jeanie can't open her mouth without showing her ignorance on...
Butler is clearly better than Ingram today in a vacuum. No debate there. However, does it make sense for the Lakers to flip a 19-year old with...
I just love this team. Taking me back to the pre-Shaq 90's Lakers I grew up with: Young talent, little-to-no expectations, and playing free &...
I wish they'd called this segment Outside the Lines: "Two Farts & a Bike Horn" to better illustrate the quality of television they'd produced....
Nice move, Mitchell. Picked him up for essentially nothing. With two 2nd-round picks along with him. Plus, he's an expiring. And he shoots over...
Wade is a very good player, and I respect his game. Not sure I get the fit here, though. He's had trouble staying healthy, and isn't an ideal...
I get your point, but how do we KNOW that 5th yes is the absolute deciding factor? Sure, it's a factor. One of many. But we're seeing quite a few...
And when he walks next summer because he has no good teammates because we traded them to land him, what are we left with?
Mentioned this in the unsubstantiated rumors thread, but since I'm also seeing it discussed here, my 2 cents on Westbrook: I love the guy. As...
All I know is we'd better not ship any of this young core out for Westbrook when we can possibly have a good shot at landing him as a free agent...