Amick wasting his effort typing those tweets. Lakers would match. Clarkson will be back. *yawn*
NBA free agency is so freaking fun, man! All the twists & turns! Don't forget, everyone: After landing Ingram & firing Byron/hiring Luke, we're...
I know Dallas has a good owner, good coach & seems to be a decent city, but I really think all things considered, we're the more desirable...
I don't think Ingram's presence stops Batum from coming here if he wants to. Ingram is still months away from his 19th birthday. Also, the...
This. Hate to burst any bubbles, because they're fantastic players, but I fail to see the allure of the Lakers to aging guys wanting to win now...
Damn it, Batum! Don't you tease me!! I'd rather have him than Whiteside! You give me both and my head might explode from glee!
Any perceived front office dysfunction isn't a strong factor, IMO. Does it help our FA recruiting? Of course not. But I think the most...
Weezy nailed it. [IMG]
I disagree. There's no right or wrong way to handle the single most devastating experience a person can go through. Your co-workers aren't...
And am I the only one that can't understand why the article would bring up Mitch's 15-year old daughter passing away in the light it did? I read...
Wanted to repost this in the relevant topic... Just finished the article. Wow, where to begin? First off, it's embarrassing how little disguise...
[MEDIA] Ben's timeline is absolute fire right now. Agree with every word he's saying about this joke of an article.
Just finished the article. Wow, where to begin? First off, it's embarrassing how little disguise went toward shielding Jeanie as Ding's source...
It's amazing how far Jeanie has fallen in my eyes over the past 5 years. I've been saying "screw her" for a while now. She's so content to drive...
I really don't understand why Conley would ever come here. There have got to be more contender-ready suitors out there, and he's getting up there...