I keep clicking this thread looking for news that Sirron got Byron fired or deported to another country somehow.. or something.
Looks to me like the F.O. is going right along with Byron's excuse.. which was Kobe all season. As if Kobe stopped anybody on the team from...
The difficulty on those jumpers.. wicked.
I hope they fire Byron as soon as the last game ends.. no idea why they haven't already.
I don't know about being treated as a hero, but many are simply happy that he didn't die. Most people don't care about his personal life, aren't...
I agree, a lot of us including myself, were quick to judge his play.. especially with the poor efficiency. But when you really take it all in he...
Ugh.. that game seems like yesterday to me... I don't think I'll ever enjoy basketball again as much as I did watching Kobe. I was a huge Jordan...
Yea.. you'd think a coach trying to win would design a play or two.. Kobe's always been on aimbot mode from mid-range I have no idea why someone...
It sure is rough watching these passionless games.. sure winning constantly and competing for championships is asking too much but I'd love to at...
Yea Pau was never the same after 2010.. Phil ran Pau into the ground that season. He was always on the floor and played more mins than anybody on...
Mo it Ditch!
Yea he really looked good out there honestly.. with all the games he's taken off anyone would be rusty but he put together a great effort. It's...
Am I the only one that's tired of this farewell tour already? None of them seem capable of doing it right... just retire. Can't believe how...
I typed out a reply about possible trades then.. deleted it all. Until the coaching/front office situation is addressed none of this makes any...
Yea that guy doesn't belong on an NBA floor.. he had his prime and it seems he did well for the Euroleague.. but he's not made for the NBA at all....
I'm reading 'The Moneychangers' by Arthur Hailey.. very interesting so far. Basically shows the reader the politics that go on inside of a major bank.
Hopefully there's a season 2 of Jessica Jones.. really enjoyed that first season.
Sure looks it.. definitely playing tonight against the Kings. I'd love to see another video game Kobe performance... just one.
Ugh I check more often to see if he's fired then I did with Pringles and Potato head combined.