In all honesty I cant believe that is a marvel show. That trailer hints at subject matter that is truly unnerving, this coming from a guy that...
Disney seems to be retconing away the prequels in many ways, aka jj on metaclorians. They can either simply ignore the boba fetts origin in the...
Lol Fox and logic largely disagree
So Marvel and Fox have both come out to deny this, rather quickly I might add. If it was all just rumor why the rush? For me it seems like there...
And truth be told they really dont need the x-men if they land FF. its sad you would never see those iconic characters, but with the new marvel...
We shall see. It certainly hope its true, perhaps it was just a bit premature. Apparently the jury is still out....
More rumors... Fox announced its developing 2 xmen tv shows WITH Marvel Studios. Legion on FX iirc, and hellsomething on Fox. Or vice versa....
If it happens I bet it looks like Elektra and punisher. Full blown character steps into series, possible origins via storyline, and if all goes...
I hope they dont start retconing all the supes with the inhuman card. It works great as a mutant substitute, but not as a catch all. If they are...
His Egyptian god given powers would fit well with Dr. Strange or better yet iron fist
Seems hulk co-starring in a darkest mcu film yet Thor 3 is all but confirmed. Another big rumor is moonknight just might be in development for...
I think they could take Mr. Fear and basically rebuild him from the ground up and place him in the defenders universe. Heck one of the Mr. Fears...
After thinking about it, he would be best on a marvel show on Netflix. He could take some minor villian we have never heard of and make them...
Just sign him and figure out the rest later...
What the what... We be above 500!
So.... Where did that come from? If they continue to grow they might just be at 500 or even above this year. Wow that felt good...
Not in the us, they all agree to honor the decisions most of the time.
But but but its marijuana and that's the devil!
So he is now gonna arrest all the folks he bailed out?
@Weezy there are probably smaller less cringe worthy candidates like Carson, Sanders, Paul, and Fiarino, but they are all going to be overshadowed...