I just want to note that even before all the Dangelo drama and now more drama I wanted this guy gone. He is a poor mans Crawford or JR Smith,...
3 thoughts 1. I am glad the Lakers didn't hold out for a home run. The big three is Miami has changed the way that free agency works, and...
Don't get me wrong I do too, but there seems to be a growing divide of discontent between people globally. Sadly this seems to be intentionally...
In the end I understand not wanting foreign non elected officials dictating various policies that dramatically effect your county. BUT from what...
Neither have I lol... Can't bring myself to pay for it.
Michael Bay is the worst...
Boom goes the dynamite... The formula for Comic Movie Success really isn't anything overtly complex or groundbreaking. It really is as simple as...
Call me crazy, but I hope the Lakers spend their money wisely. If the whiff on big FAs sign a guy like biyambo for a decent price and maybe a vet...
You are right, in terms of potential that was a complete and utter failure of the grandest proportion. To me Spidey 3 still feels worse. On a...
Maybe... It really seemed like the wheel came off that a long time ago. There was tremendous blow back over Ben as Batman, over the lego batman...
Batman and Robin had this going for it, it was so unbearably terrible that it eventually becomes quite comical. Also if you start thinking of Dr....
Yeah but we all knew that was going to be terrible from jump. Spidey 3 promised Venom! then delivered Topher Grace and emo spidey... just the...
Those are movies that i think are objectively better. That list doesn't even include comic movies that I simply like more lol... And while we...
Yeah, I'm sorry I just don't see it. I didn't see it then, and I still don't see it. I am not saying its a horrible film ala any FF movie, only...
not by me, in fact Im not sure it even appears on the best comic movie radar. Not to rehash old posts, but Toby was a good Peter/bad spidey. AG...
I must say that I am very tentatively excited. This sounds like it could be the first really good spiderman film ever...please sony just sit...
I agree, there has to be a time to just let people grieve, but in reality there has to be a transition to talking about real and actual solutions,...
Having been a refugee that that has fled the west for much greener, albeit hotter, pastures of Texas I have to agree with John. If the US tried...
I thought this was poignant: http://www.russellmoore.com/2016/06/12/orlando-can-still-weep-together/
full disclosure: I think Trump is as bad as Hillary and in no way support him, and might not even agree with him on anything. As for a wall, I...