2020 6thMOY
Lebron Green AD Boogie Javale :Magicwow4:
Who do we have other than Lebron and AD who can iso from the perimeter and break his man down to create for himself or others if need be? This is...
I was born in 79 and I remember watching the early 80’s showtime Lakers with my dad freaking out yelling at the TV and notorious ref Jake O’Donnell.
That’s entirely possible that he had no interest in us and was only stringing us along to prevent us from signing another 3rd max
F***! I jinxed us. Gotta put back my old sig
Clippers perimeter D is going to be Uber ultra elite, but I’m also really excited about our rim protection with Javale and AD patrolling the paint...
I think we were the backup plan if the clippers and the raptors both struck out on pg. Option 1. Pg and him to clips Option 2. Pg and him to the...
To keep it optimistic, our pg rotation kinda reminds me of the 2011 Miami pg rotation of ancient bibby, arroyo, and charmers.
Someone help me feel optimistic about our plan in 3 years when it’s time to replace Lebron. We’ll have AD and hopefully kuz is pretty good. This...
What’s up with lance? I’d take him back at the min if other options fall through.
Love your articulate style. You’re a cunning-linguist and I’m sure a master-debater.
Goddamnit you dorks, I’m asking in hindsight as a WMC... what could we have done??!?!?
Let’s say Kawhi resigned with raps right away. Would we be happy with Brogdon @ $21 and Green @ $11?
If we miss out on Kawhi, who were the reasonably priced FAs we missed out on while waiting? Just Brogdon and Beverly right? Maybe an argument for...
I’m thinking woj scrambling eggs with the caption “scrambling”
Poop gifs (#1)
Finally realized who Ramona reminds me of: [IMG]
When we were little, my friends and I were camping out in his backyard and his dad warned us about lawn sausages. “What’s a lawn sausage, like a...