That arm hook was Harden-esque. F*** this guy if he does s*** like that.
Green's defense has been pretty good, but don't expect his 3pt accuracy to improve in the postseason. Regular vs postseason 3pt% 2017: 37.9% -->...
26% from 3, most of them wide open
Missed 5 wide open 3s in the last 8 minutes. 10fts for the clips and 2 for the Lakers in the 4th despite being in the penalty at the 7 minute...
The abrams trilogy is basically a reboot of 4,5,6 but with flying Leias and walrus milk. It didn’t really build on the plot, it recycled it and in...
Honest wondering...? Would we be better off if we'd given D'Lo the max slot we created for Kawhi? He got 4 x $117m.
2-17 from 3 the last three games. This year: 30.6% on 1.4 wide open 3s per game Last year: 51.5% on 2.5 wide open 3’s per game 1 less open...
Exactly. I won’t crunch the numbers to determine the adjusted, accurate output apples to apples, but here are the numbers. Kobe 2006: 27.2 fga/g...
He remembers last year. That’s quite remarkable. Don’t mock him.
Where the f*** did you find him online?
I hope they all suffer from genital soreness or rectal bleeding (preferably both, related and inflicted to one another) and forfeit.
Liver shot, I’ll bet.
Nah, she’s been a pretty big (pun intended) breakout artist this year. She’s like a fat sassy Cardi B.
If a graphic ends up being too large, just spoiler tag it.
@Barnstable Serious question: Good natured trolling amongst old friends is ok right, as long as it doesn’t derail a topic?
Steve talking to/about himself again to cover the fact that barns banned his favorite burner account.
Spectacular sleuthing! Thanks
Maybe we have more uncontested shots in the paint due to transition, wide open pnr layups, dunks, or lobs? Maybe that’s why we have so few ftas...