You just gotta have game if you go onto the court, with a name like Spencer Dinwiddie. He has always looked solid, like someone that could slot...
Awesome, he wears a do-rag, because he does not trust the process!
Upside, inside out, we livin' la vida Lopez. If we use him right he has value, but he will only pick up 20+ points and 4+ rebounds if we play...
Luke needs to sort this now. He needs to fix any aspect that he has control on - substitutions, starters, the defense and the want to switch that...
Merry Chrismas and a Happy New All-Star (or two) Laker family.
Can Lonzo learn to shoot better? - yes Could a player learn the timing of the pass, feel for the game and even nose for rebounding - no Does...
If it leaves Deng then I feel like we have no traction or progress. I would not do this trade at all. I see that it moves figures and contracts...
Looks like He Got Gamed. :Fishwink: I hope this isn't DAR going next level on his phone.
Seems like DAR has been bowling with Bynum. It would be a shame for this to halt or inhibit his career, but it would get some closure around...
M Night Shyamalan plot twist. What if all this hate and the website was Sirron's anti-jink to send Lebron to the Lakers, and like Lebron he...
I am calling a big bounce-back game for Lonzo against the Suns. Why, because that is what Balls do. The plays might be broken at the moment, but...
I think you are right on the money here. I was thinking at times, the gunfire is a metaphorical shorthand for the conflict. It symbolizes the...
[IMG] I imagine the last room with Luke and Deng being something like this.
Thank you, Right back at ya! :Beertoast2::LakersRing2::LakersRing2::LakersRing2::LakersRing2::LakersRing2::JerryBuss2::Pelinka Double Thumbs Up:
Well some people just can't detect sarcasm! :Fishwink::Fishwink::Fishwink: JUST KIDDING. I messed up. Sorry to stir the hornets nest when there...
Could we please the subtitle "Russ, you're dead to us" It was a genuinely funny line, but I think it would be nice to move on, as he is no longer...
Kobe would say these jerseys are as SOFT as Charmin!
Big hands, but he plays small d.
I hate to say it, but Ingram is playing very tight right now, (not thinking or overthinking, having no fun and playing full of tension and...