And the Clippers have gone from slim to none and are knocked out of the playoff race. Burn Clippers Burn! :Ingram Heart Hands:
More like a mound of cash collapsed on him in his money bin, and he had to ring for a platinum and diamond ambulance to rescue him.
Sigh, is nothing Sacre............................................................................(d). That wasn't a dunk competition, that was a...
A strong 8 or a 9, tbh I was always a little unsure about the jpg with the dude peering out of the leaves.
True Weezy, they did break this kid, although Fultz's trainer expresses surprise below, as his methods have previously guranteed success....
I really loved this interview. It just radiated assured, confident in his own-skin (he has that ring), supportive and inspiring for our youth...
Refreshing to see IT was not as scary as Lebron may have passively intimated. His defensive limitations may be the true horror-show though. [ATTACH]
Ever since Barkley stopped dunkin basketballs and started dunkin donuts instead he has been like this. Too fat and old to change direction he...
Kemba to Los Angeles for Clarkson, Deng and a 2099 2nd round pick. Let the punishment fit the crime and Mitch can make amends.
Poor Fisher, struggled on defense in the end. I remember what would have been the regular season game of Kobe vs Allen Iverson, where Kobe started...
Despite his silky jumper, I am afraid he is going to age like a fine Wino not Vino.
Mos def. I think since the moving on of MWP, the Lakers can finally say they have a HULK. [MEDIA]
If Deng does not play again this year ( and he wont) he has made over 17 million dollars to make one basket. One basket, process that, the only...
Part of me says I want Lebron here and I am pleased to see his team losing. The other part of me sees this GOAT sulking and getting enough stats...
Somebody on facebook said if Lebron goes to GSW he has no d***. It reminded me of this classic scene. [MEDIA]
Kevin Love breaks his own hand with 12,000 psi of passive aggression. He keeps sticking it to the Kang.
He did, and Lebron if you post it on social media it isn't a private (classy moment) Everytime I convince myself I want you in purple and gold...
I am afraid that Dung takes up too much crap space for him to be moved.
In a perfect world, I imagine the conversation went like this...... [ATTACH]
Thank you Cookie for this gift that keeps giving. Here is a 21 Jack salute to all your hard work bringing the Doom back to