this was always the danger of any dlo trade. for a lot of his career, lebron has wanted his teams to get pgs, and for a lot of his career, AD has...
yeah, jimmy's really got them by the balls because they don't have a way to get leverage via salary dumps. if he just walks in FA, even if they...
yeah, it's similar, too, in that neither player really did anything to deserve demotion--inasmuch as we see that as punishment. just that a...
pure logic says no, and that we should blow it up this summer. but that's not how we operate as a franchise, and i understand why. so we're left...
the only modern path to long-term contention is to draft a superstar or trade for a very young one. otherwise, the financials make it very...
relevant: this is why the warriors never made a russ trade and are in no danger of doing so.
lol, a 17th pick has never set a franchise back a few years.
i posted about it a few days ago, but it really is pretty damning for an organization that is touted (and participates in this) for having a...
just don't want any whining to the press about trades this year, plz. we got rid of your whipping boy and still aren't very good.
really gotta hand it to this year's version of the team in terms of really sniffing out and pursuing that nadir game. each time you think we've...
some solid questions from golic there, imo. lebron answered diplomatically of course, but he did give some stuff away. mainly that he and we are...
i think it's a good gig but harder than it seems from the outside. you have to be right sometimes for people to listen, and the sources of your...
annoyed that we're still center-less and phx is supposedly going to get charlotte to eat nurkic for richards.... feel like this is some "chicago...
eh, we don't know if it's true or how things will shake out, center-wise. given the reporting after the DFS trade, it sounds like we played that...
that was my thought, too. i'd rather spend a second on sharpe than two firsts on kessler. bit of a fumble, imo, if we refused that.
i don't see the bulls going for this one, based on both general logic and their historic tendencies. maybe if the firsts were unprotected? but...
i've been pushing for sharpe since last year. i just feel like if it was going to happen, it would have happened as part of the DFS deal. you...
boston's been more mortal this year (understandable) and is still heavily dependent on 6 guys. i know pritchard and hauser are supposedly elite...
the whole idea of a center next to AD is to preserve AD to close halves at center. kessler/jv/sharpe/whoever is there to wrassle jokic and pick...
sharpe is most certainly a bruiser.