The fact that Linda Rambis can pump the brakes on a coaching hire is the real nugget in all of this. I won't type another rant (yet) but that's...
That's how I read it. Honestly it all just strengthened my thought that he put his number out there and we weren't willing to meet it. I get...
Bad enough I agree with Plaskche on stuff but now they’ve got me agreeing with Hollinger
[MEDIA] I literally could have written a better statement than the team did. And I would have done it for a lot less than whatever they paid...
I also expect him to be complimentary of the Lakers and to push back on some of the narratives out there. Definitely think he wants to try to...
Agreed. Its honestly why I never liked hiring Magic to begin with despite him still being my favorite Laker player. You can't always just hire...
Right. Its even more frustrating because a lot of this stuff wouldn't even cost that much money.
Most of us have a number in our heads that we would pack everything up over. Personally, I'm comfortable right now, but there is definitely a...
Yeah. That relationship was in a very bad state. I still expect us to celebrate his life but I hate that they weren't able to repair that rift.
RIP to the logo.
Well first, my comment was very tongue in cheek. But no, I wouldn't lump you in with the group I was teasing there. We don't agree on...
Either is going to have a tough time winning everyone over.
I’m sure all these people have personal issues with the Lakers and none of these things are true. Everything is fine. We’re all just...
Crazy enough, but it seems like it was a combination of things and not just one factor. People get real vague when discussing it so you get a lot...
Mark Jackson has been completely blackballed. He is not going to get another coaching job. I think the Van Gundy bros are just over it. Plus...
Oh I don't think it will happen. I do think we could do worse the way things are playing out.
Right. I can talk myself into Phil for the reasons you named. Particularly if we are really just picking through assistants.