I was disappointed. Now if this happened while Manny was at his peak and Floyd was a little younger then the outcome would have been different....
I know you guys hate Paul Pierce, but can we place him in the category where Kobe is as far as last of a dying breed older generation players who...
I want Manny to win because he's the underdog. I always root for the underdog.
Eeeew the Clippers are closer to winning a title, eeew.
Is Stephen Curry a better shooter than Ray Allen and Reggie Miller? When it's all said and done will he be able to top them both? Where you do...
Russell Westbrook, who I think should win, wins the MVP as an 8th seed, whereas the Lakers were the 7th seed, and Kobe didn't during that amazing...
Omg he really is close to retirement. I knew it was coming sooner or later, but the reality of it actually coming has got me into my feels....
I didn't expect the Hawks to be sitting at the top of the Eastern Conference. Nor did I expect Toronto and the Wizards to be in the top 5. I know...
If James Harden wins the MVP shooting 44.1% from the field as that being one of reasons Kobe never got more than one, I will boycott the heck out...
@therealdeal I expected it to turn out like this lol. I do think LeBron's motive is very self indulged, I do think he stat pads to make himself...
Anthony Davis? James Harden Russell Westbrook Stephen Curry or someone else? I've seen a few analyst say Anthony Davis. That's if he can keep...
[IMG] He's always been very supportive of Kobe, my hate was mainly for the media. They would put him on a pedestal while tearing Kobe down for...
Kobe has to be more consistent with his shooting. I really think he can be a MVP candidate this season, he just needs to shoot the ball better....
I thought I was gonna read something entirely different, but I'm pleasantly surprised. This was cool to read, especially from a former long time...
With all the slander he's been receiving, it's good to see some positivity about him. Congrats king Bean!
I know this is just the early parts of the season but it's funny seeing how they're still playing well despite losing a piece of the old big three.
I'm in the minority, because I'm really pleasantly surprised by this team. They've been able to score and keep up with other teams I didn't expect...
Chicago Bulls.
Funny how people (analysts, coaches, GM's) respect Russell Westbrook's game more than Kobe's when he's been considered a volume shooter and ball...