i look forward to that day
if min sure if at 4-5m as trade asset i dont see it working....ham would be forced to play him otherwise how will team see if he can boumce back...
the heck? i don't think lakers have ever made a trade with Portland in all my yrs watching bball since 90s...n cant trade dlo until that deadline...
im not biased against beasley he just sucked at shooting the 3 here
why people keep saying vincent is a better shooter than denis?
whoever running hou need to get fired
denis n gabe both shot 33% from 3s last season n gabe only shot 37% once in his career same as denis
vet min, beasley can go kick rocks
alot solid value signing, props!
great value, can we trade him for dame? lol
i would given gabe $ to ds, not much of a difference in talent but ds reclaimed himself here
as long as we get something good out of it
snt for og n give em pick'"s"
he had 1 good yr with atl, hopefully he can develop correctly with handy
i said that off dlo as well...gabe signing seems unneeded imo. 1 playoff run gets him $ like this?
Vincent had good playoff run till the finals
basically traded spots, troy to minn
why? this guy choked in finals like dlo in wcf