Adjusted a little too late with Schroder going over screens on Muray. Dennis might have to start over Dlo for this series. Dennis Reaves Bron Rui...
This might not be a series for him. We'll see if he can bounce back
TO was a loose ball off a deflected pass as Reaves was tryna hit the corner man... whatever The damn three didn't need to happen though. Oh well,...
Why did he have the settle for that 3 on Murray? Could have gotten a way better shot but he loves those hero threes
So who's guarding AD on the other end? Gordon is on Lebron, right? Jokic will get destroyed unless he's hiding on Vando, but who else do they have?
Has any other team won a title starting every single series on the road? It would be impressive for the entire team if we got this done. I love...
Ja Morant is NOT going to age well with his style of play. Character issues aside....
I think part of the reason we went away from him offensively is that he carries the defense, so we don't wanna tire him out so much. It was good...
2/3 from three tonight. [MEDIA] :LLLLLebronlaughing: at AD's reaction
It's what it does to everyone else. His man just sits in the paint and plays as a free safety to load up on other players. After a film session it...
They difference is those guys can put it on the floor to score. Vanderbilt is shooting 18% in the series so he's not good from anywhere. We'll...
[MEDIA] Looks like Vando is gonna start again. The problem is his weak offense leads to weak defense as GS gets out into transition after...
He's shooting 18% this series :KobewaitingTW:
How much technicals fouls does Draymond Green have in the playoffs? He was apparently daring the refs to give him one last night. He might be...
Hopefully Crypto is loud in game 6. I think the expensive tickets are keeping the die hards out cause it's much quieter than it was vs Memphis....
[MEDIA] If he starts, he needs a short hook for Lonnie or Schroder.
That 2 on 1 fast break with him and Bron vs Curry was brutal. Need a huge game 6 from him again.