I'm totally with you on that. As for Nick Young and guys around here calling him a cancer. I think he's just like most of the NBA dudes and his...
As long as he plays the last game ... been waiting for this since september
So we sure the shoulder is just sore? This starts to look like a bit more to it ... hopefully he suits up for the last game as it would be my...
Anyone else actually going to the last home game? The closer it gets the happier I get with the tickets I have :D
[MEDIA] This still tops every Kobe video out there for me
http://www.nba.com/lakers/video/teams/lakers/2016/02/17/1455748121616-160217PracMitch.mov-298527 Well if you look at Mitch that doesn't seem...
[MEDIA] Epic backstage lakers episode about Kobe basically. Thanks to Cachooka man
Did I miss anything on why Swaggy ist a DNP these days? Or just Boron on it again?
It's nothing different than before. First it was the leg, now it's the shoulder. And beating urself up in a guaranteed 30 point loss is just not a...
I feel you. Planned a 3 day stopover in April coming from Costa Rica going back to Germany just to see Kobe's last game. Hope he makes it through...
My Clarkson Christmas jersey is on the way already
Hopefully they just said like "rest this game we have another in OKC anyway"
Hopefully they are just being cautious with him and it's nothing serious ...
[MEDIA] I'm just gonna miss the dude. And wow those tickets I got for the last game just exploded in price value haha.
Maybe Kobe has one last 40 point game in him
http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2595144-byron-scott-latest-news-rumors-speculation-on-lakers-coachs-future I might read too much into it but...
Regarding last night and all those interviews ... This was just 2,5 years ago and it's amazing to me how he changed. I think those injury...
[MEDIA] This is hilarious :D
To me that is a bit too much. He has not proven enough in this league to act like that. But still prefer this instead of something like Okafor is...
His Quotes are just saying everything u need to know