i think they beat dallas with or without kawhi. clips just own them for some reason
thankfully, ham is toast once they lose this series
oh, and that'll be murray's worst game of the series. huge missed opportunity to capitalize on that
not sure why anyone thought they'd suddenly figure out how to beat denver they're simply the better team in every possible way and this lakers...
if they can steal game one, we'll have a series if not, this one will be over in 4 or 5
lakers can't beat the kings kings can't beat the pels pels can't beat the lakers matchups really are everything
didn't garnett get injured that year? safe to say they probably beat the magic in the ECF with a healthy KG and we get a rematch i think the...
playing the lakers is their finals plus sabonis is just a bad matchup for AD and fox will forever hold a grudge against us for passing on him in...
yeah, as long as they keep winning they have every right to talk s***
like i said, let him do this thing. he's unstoppable either way, so why double him and leave someone like murray or MPJ open when they don't miss?
young would be westbrick 2.0
i just remembered lebron was on that failed 04 team (although he didn't play much.) his longevity never ceases to amaze
crazy that butler even managed to finish the game with that injury. he's one tough SOB in a league full of p******. a throwback to the old days
boston's going to play the bulls and probably the magic en route to the ECF. what a joke no team in the east even stands a chance at beating them
pretty sure this is the oldest squad USA has sent to the olympics
the lakers are the top dog. everyone always wants to beat them, especially a team like denver who no one gave a s*** about for decades and decades...
betting on your own team to lose is as bad as it gets and to make it worse, he's such an idiot that he bet on them to lose as part of a parlay....
BI didn't play well at all and NO went on their run with him on the bench. i've always liked him and rooted for him since he got traded, but he's...
considering it was around this same time last year that his brother got busted for vehicular homicide, i think he's used to it