don't care who comes out of the west just don't let boston win a f***ing title
how are you going to keep a coach who got a full season out of lebron and somehow even AD and lost in round 1 after needing the play-in to even...
a few years too late for that
and he's just saying all that s*** to bait people into a reaction. he can talk all he wants since they keep beating us anyways if anyone's...
better team won again. plain and simple
so when is he getting fired?
i mean, he's turning 40 this year. he's still playing at an elite level, but expecting him to play like its 2018 or even 2020 at this age and with...
you were saying...... [MEDIA]
i actually hope the clips win this series because the less playoff success luka has in dallas, the closer he gets to leaving clips aren't getting...
murray's playing and denver isn't losing at home
hope for nothing but the worst for the suns in the future booker especially. f*** that soft POS
vogel needs the right players to play his defensive schemes in order to have success. do the suns even have a single good defender? hiring him...
there's no player in NBA history who has played with as many star players as KD has. wonder which two he'll team up with next love seeing him and...
it's almost like......depth matters?
blow it all up
for anyone who claims the NBA is trying to do whatever they can to get the lakers to win games: don't you think they would've done all they could...
hey look, kidd actually used his challenge at a key point in the game and was successful (even though it looked like a clear foul) darvin clown...
would make more sense for the clips to hold kawhi out at least for this series considering they're capable of beating dallas without him, but i...