We are steering away from Basketball when we make these moves and it just annoys me … nothing personal against anybody with different beliefs … we...
It’s our own FO fault ! They keep going after controversial players . I am afraid Kyrie will be a laker ….sadly if anyone is dividing the Lakers...
When did I actually typed I trust the media ! I said earth is not flat I couldn’t give 2 hoots what media says !! I am smart enough to know earth...
Cm on yo you just wanna pick on a rookie when in reality this whole thread is filled with you guys taking about how big of a nut job culty is...
This what happens when an ICONIC franchise like US goes after someone like LBJ , he opens the door to many of his political attributes and we have...
Defending the truth is crossing the line ? Oh ok my bad !! When u do drugs earth becomes flat:)
KD ain’t coming to LA
[ATTACH] :LLLLLebronlaughing:Do we have any q anon members here ??? Just wondering !!! i thought this was LAKERS site not some cow tipping sac...
Kyrie is just auditioning his FAUX news gig after his lousy loser Azz career is over which is soon when u suck at something blame someone else !...
There is no rebuttal for proven scientific fact buddy ! Just cuz some moron athlete with money said so… shut up and dribble Kyrie
[ATTACH] :Laugh:You can preach trump won ! U can preach vaccines are fake but please people will laugh at you when you say earth flat . People...
Trump voters think earth is There is no rebuttal for such common knowledge!! If you think otherwise I feel sorry for anyone whom ACTUALLY...
I am not getting involved and have already been warned about hijacking threads :) I stay outta this one . But Kyrie is a moron, I’ll just leave it...
Earth is NOT flat ! Really I have no dog in the fight I respect both sides of bs and beliefs ! But I have proof that earth is NOT flat and...
Dude earth is NOT FLAT ! this insanity must stop !
[MEDIA] That’s funny
Somebody trolling “the king” https://www.yahoo.com/sports/pacers-just-drafted-mathurin-says-170033916.html