AD won’t hold up .. betting lines are open .
Nah I just don’t wanna be phx or gsS punching bag again but I’ll keep the faith ! I am not buying LeBronS preaching nor have any faith AD will...
And ?
LeBron James is an equal opportunity employer !! Experience not necessary.
[ATTACH] Lakers are like a bad Adam Sandler movie where he hires his own friends to act/ direct/ produce .
I used to know every single one of our players names( even the bench warmers) growing up !! Ever since LeBron joined the lakers I have no freaking...
Then LeBron can declare himself the undisputed king cuz he let a sorry Azz roster to a play-in.
Dumpster diving continues!!!
LEBRON loves dumpster diving … we even dumpster dive the HC position… we fired FV for this clown ? Yes we do anything LeBron says . FO acting...
We got played by this clown and most of you don’t even care and you will still sign this clown if he said yes …[ATTACH]
Kyrie u bipolar clown ![ATTACH]
Kyrie is coming, look busy
Who else? but Kyrie the insane.. prove it Kyrie prove the whole world how insane you are… oh the irony
Lol this is a joke right ? Sarcasm right ? You are really worried about that ? . Well hate to break it to you, LeBron already checked out he is...
I thought they hated each other !
Kyrie is not crazy he is a perfect flawless saint in his own corrupt little fried mind … Kyrie is the light he is the messiah we were looking for
Who’s dumb enough to take westbrick ?