Who won ???
I kept telling myself Boston is a fluke because Middleton was out for MIL … I kept telling myself MIA was banged up and gave the series away to...
I rooted so hard against Boston to get beat ..MIL/MIA/ BK none could do it ! This was the worst finals I was expecting. In the West I rooted...
Tatum is not that good , he is very inconsistent and an enigma, but media just loves to make this about big names since GS has bunch of them .....
His appreciation for KOBE makes me like him ..
What wrong with Tatum getting a ring ? Steph has enough. it’s not like this is a dynasty type of Boston team , this is a fluke title if they win...
not when they already stole 2 lousy rings by getting Durant !! Fake a** dynasty fake a** fan base .. warriors are buncha sell outs !! Their owner...
I am sorry I have nothing good to say about those POSERS !!! The Oakland warriors!! They moved from OAKTOWN because they don’t wanna associate...
So it’s true !!! GS doesn’t really have a FAN base ! Their base is just LAKERS fans [MEDIA]
Stephs jersey at TARGET is 2.99 while Kobe’s 79.99 !
Warriors are a team you root for when you can’t afford LAKERS stuff !
Warriors are in their own heads ! Their own egos will lose them series!!! Boston plays as a team while Steph is catering his own celebrity...
My gut tells me ( LAKERS CHINESE KNOCK OFFS ) warriors go down 3-1 tonite !!!
Wow that’s a gutsy post !!! Are you trolling ??? Lol MAGIC!!! Is that you ???
Well here it is ! It already started !!! Lol...
I remember when Reggie Lewis collapsed on the court …
I am 36… I remember Boston vs LA rivalry sure , but you know what ? I have a ton respect for Larry bird and Robert parish , I can’t really hate...
Sure, they are not our rival GS , I agree ; but they act like they are , their base act like they are … it’s like dude leave us the f alone , we...