Scott is coaching the worst Laker team in their history, an embarrassment to the Purple and Gold. You know it hurts him to have that indignity. I...
LOL, that's when Mitch steps in
"I got a sense of a whole lot of them I wouldn't want to be in a fox hole with," Scott said after Monday's practice. "I think they'd end up...
the fat kid from Xavier was more devastating to Arizona....LMAO!!!
What teams have 2 1st rounders?...
I've been hesitant to post what you said being a Wisconsin fan and watching them through out the season as I'm biased. Everything you said is...
Maybe , maybe not, but it's interesting how most mock drafts now have Towns at #1 for the reasons I stated.
Pure Optimism.....When we pull the #1 pick, from what I've seen Towns is the one to pick. His defense, mid range shot plus FT shooting, and...
Your point about his defensive ability is big. Wisconsin never brought a double to slow Okafur, who is a beast. Kaminsky played him straight up,...
Great read on Kaminsky. I believe I'm the only one on this board that agrees with you on him though. Time will tell, GMs will be afraid to pass on...
Good to see a loss, and the way they have quit on each other was to be expected ...I just thought it would happen a month ago....6 more miserable...
To clarify my reference to Gasol and Nowitzki, I don't project him to be on their level, just not a weak one dimensional player like Fry. I see...
I respectfully disagree. Your points are valid ones, but I see a combo of Pau Gasol, Dirk, with terrific ball handling skills as well....not a...
Towns can stretch the defense with his mid-range shooting and ability to step behind the arc. On defense, Towns can block shots as a help defender...
I like winners, Kaminsky has that mental makeup, so does Dekker. Poise, skill, effort trumps "potential"
and that's why I'd like to be a fly on the wall to hear what experts in talent evaluation would say after they saw such a scene play out. It's all...
Something I noticed in this game that should help in the tank was jealousy and selfishness directed at Clarkson from players that will be looking...
So true, at the beginning of this horrific game Lillard was killing Clarkson on the P&R. I saw fire in Clarkson's eyes after a time out early in...
With a top 5 pick now nearly money, this tournament today and Monday will be great for us Laker fans to watch. I'm particularly interested in...