It would be hilarious if after all this, CP3 and DJ have a major blow up during the first game of the season.
Wow if that is true. (Cuban driving around begging for DJ's address)
My brother and I used to seat in certain seats to make sure that the Heat lost during the Shaq days lol, worked in 05 but we didn't in 06 and they...
Thanks Aonex, a really nice piece from Aldridge detailing the state of the Lakers without the excessive hate.
Damon Jones, one of my top 5 most disliked players of all time!
Mitch is usually the man when it comes to trades, we need to work on our ability to pitch to free agents.
Thanks for that post Chillbongo. At this point as long as we're not trading any of our young guys, all of my disappointment is over and I'm...
First time coming on today in the middle of a family reunion. Seems like DJ is Dallas bound and LMA still has us by the extremities?
Despite everything, I still have some faith in Mitch, however I'm starting to sour on Jeanie with some of the info that's coming to light.
Seems like there was a lot of smoke and mirrors in our presentations and FAs saw right through it.
Too proud perhaps?
Twitter/NBA-Offseason has brought the absolute worst out of some people. A lot of these guys are just posting speculation as truth hoping to make...
That was an old pic, Arye was exposed.
Is the East on it's way back?
He has a cool name though: Konstantine Demetrios "Kosta" Koufos.
Please no to Amare and I've never heard of Jason Smith before.