On one of the bowl games today an announcer was talking about someone having "grit", I immediately thought of Byron lol.
“I got a sense of a whole lot of them I wouldn’t want to be in a fox hole with,”
Bryon is like that embarrassing drunk uncle that you encounter at family gatherings.
Oh Leftymo, the most pessimistic poster ever lol.
Tuned in just to see Kobe hit that clutch 3. Gonna miss that mamba.
I'd honestly rather not have the stress of rooting against Lebron this year. For once I want a stress free final where I don't hate one of the...
I guess it's time for a trip to Miami...
I'm just glad we finally let him loose. In about 2-3 years... Wow!
At this point only GS, SAS, and CLE look capable of winning the ship. Also for first time time in a while, top 8 in the east is looking a little...
Charlotte is #2 in the east. :speechless:
So let's just get rid of Byron and make Kobe the coach. Also I think this shows that Kobe is still trying to help the young guys, he gets caught...
I know the standings don't mean much in December, but the #3 team in the west (OKC) is 11-8. I believe we missed a golden opportunity this year,...
I'm just about to watch the game, but I just saw that 19 rebounds. Randle gon' be a bad boy in this league.
I missed the game and I'm about to watch the replay. One thing I've always loved about Kobe, when I start to doubt him, he still has the ability...
Another video is out showing a second fight that happened after that first one we've already seen....
Fave Moments: Horry's Shot (all of my family hated the Lakers and were rooting hard for the Queens. I still remember my uncle bragging about them...
Ever since Kobe's Achilles injury, nearly everything has been a nightmare. The only thing that would have made these last three years worse would...
Please come and save us Luke. At this point probably anyone would be better than Bryon, it seems obvious that he has lost the team.
I'm so looking forward to seeing DLO in a real offense with a competent coach. From the little flashes I've seen I think he's going to be a...
I honestly don't think Kobe is trying to purposefully hurt the team at all. From years of watching and listening to him, he has always been the...