I kind of like to see that side of jeannie instead of daddy little girl fake persona. I'm sure she tries to keep everything private, but her inner...
Times Staff Writer Kobe Bryant will forgo surgery on his right pinkie finger and report to training camp as scheduled when it begins later this...
I want the Clippers!
Growing up in the 80s, it was fun to watch, now todays players don't give a s***. I'm surprised they still play these games, and people actually...
Lebron will guard russ, he can relax on defense and dare him to shoot
The Clippers are the Lakers little brother with an inferiority complex trying to prove they are better. :RW Barfbag:
The new big 3
But the previous games weren't that so important with the post scoring title vacation.
I think it's a disgrace, why even play the game if they are not going to put any effort into it.
D Lo may be like LO, not a great 1st or 2nd option but could be a great 3rd option. If the Lakers make the playoffs have a nice run, then the...
The iron shiek
D'Angelo is an excellent player," Johnson said, per ESPN.com's Baxter Holmes. "He has the talent to be an All-Star. We want to thank him for what...
Game time decision to doing acrobatic moves all night. Fast healer.
He actually settles down the offense by running plays for the O instead of guys jacking up 3s back and forth. What a difference night and day...
He probably play tonight so he can play in the all star game
You see more crisp ball movement with D LO at point. The ball movement was better. There has been to much hesitation with taking a shot. Some...
AD turned into Dwight Howard
I just saw the Bill Russell documentary on Netflix, it's really good. I hope Netflix does one on Kobe.