Spacing Spacing yes!!!
The Lakers are back!
Believe in bob
Schroder back to the bench, enter D LO
Best part is getting russell off the books
I liked AD reaction.
Get his a** out of here
Earvin Magic Johnson @MagicJohnson · 9h Wow, never in my lifetime did I think I would see two NBA athletes score over 38,000 points! I still...
I'll take a team win over an individual achievement.
KE to the Queens
Lebron wasted the Lakers
50 shots for LeBron tonight
KD for LeBron
Magic would had made the trade in what BK wanted
Im glad Reaves and Max are still on the team. Lakers need more defense and shooting.Irving could be an option next season.
Don't worry we still got Westbrook
Kyrie needs to be around leaders, clippers don't provide that
Holy s*** , something going down soon