Hello CBA
Wow that's amazing it's like I don't know business. That's for teaching me all this ol wise one For some reason I just thought owners picked...
Milsap's experience required his contract to start around $28mm but he got 3 yrs Why do you mention Conley? He was signed last year. Memphis is...
Nobody puts Riles in the corner!!
Vince wouldn't be bad. He's gotten to be less of an ahole with age. I remember his jealousy of Kobe
McLemore to Grizz 2/$10.7mm Wonder what Lakers have up their sleeves. Could easily trump these contracts with1 yr deals for$8-9mm
Like I said lots of GMs learned from Mitch/Jim stupidity
LBJ so much power !
Dang Justin Holiday 2/$9mm to Bulls! Lakers could have given him 1/$8mm!!
They drive a hard bargain. Okay JC for Middleton lol
But what if Melo "knows" his buddy is coming to LA next year.
I don't think they're clowns at all.
How are you an idiot if you offer a 1 yr deal
LoL beggars can't be choosers
I wanted Rondo since he left the C Bags.
Actually I've mentioned him numerous times at Leftistground
Love Rondo always been my guy !
Ball + Lopez + new guys = +10-15 wins from last year
WoW guess that was the best compromise for both.
Ahhh Ibaka, Lowry, and Teague to name a few would beg to differ