Thinking of Crawford as well. Good vet and amazing shooter. I'd have Kobe help out here. Jamal LOVES Kobe!
Atlanta could be a viable trade partner. The team is at $63mm which leaves them $25-26mm short of the $89mm threshold. Maybe Deng and Randle...
But they got Rubio. Might make sense for them to throw money at Rudy Gay or if they ask nicely we give them Deng
Not really
Quite the pay cut by KD.
Heard on the radio they should just get rid of East West playoff seedings. Just do 1-16 hahahaha
This should be music to the ears of all Laker fans specifically the $63.6mm vs $62.7mm 2 yr deal with the 3rd year option which I can see him sign...
Nope In the mix as in Hill or Rondo for Lakers 1 yr deal
Dude he's gonna bury 30 footers!
Lunch is on Zo!!
Hey I'm a Rondo fan and I want Hill first! Love that he can hit 40% from three. Having him and Lopez stretch the defense, Ingram and JR slashing...
I'm just saying maybe the long term deals aren't out there. You can't "force" a market. Maybe the Kings, Bulls, or Mavs may come into the picture.
Yes that would work!
How is Hill in a better position than Reddick? If he was in a better position he'd have a 3 yr $60mm+ deal on the table Teams like Denver and...
Sure but who's going to pay him that? Rubio trade killed his chance with Utah You could also say the same for JJ Reddick and he's 33!!
PG hugs his future teammates and fist bumps them. Ignores OKC players
45 wins !
Awesome part about Hill.... 40% from 3 pt range last 2 seasons and 38% for career!
Forgot that!
Okay NOW we talking!! I started to think there's something brewing with guys like Ben Mac taking 2/$10mm deals when the Lakers could easily offer...