Doh spell check. GONZO SMALL
I didn't know that sorry
LoL my brother said he played like Gonzo Small hahaha
Lakers making Brice Johnson look like Bill Russell out there
Travis Wear = TJ Leaf
Man Zubac looked slow out there
Sad DLo is there standing in the back by himself
This deserves a bump!! Looks great in his first SL game. And he's Michael Clark Duncan's son!
Impressed with Ingram thus far. Definitely confident in his play. Attacking the basket more. Thinking 15ppg is doable this season
Man Nance Jr with an epic tshirt Zu-Pac I took a pic lol I'll try to post later
Clippers SL team just like the pro team ... already in mid season form with the whining and complaining
Yes Bradley is a game changer +25 wins right?
I have a good feeling about SL in general. I think we're going to work teams over by 20 ppg margin of victory
Anyways. Summer League starts in a few hours. Let's root for our youngsters and hope we pick up a couple of vets in FA that can help for the...
What you didn't like the Moz and Deng signings!?!?!?
We aren't losing 50 games. I'll speak it into existence!
Yup his hair is fugly. Just cut it short. Not a good look DAR also paid too much attention to his eyebrows
Why are all of you panicking ?
What are you complaining about ? I like Bog but dudes a tweeter 3/4. We have enough guys