Cheerio pisser
Calm down girls.. today is a joyous day.. stop pissing in my cheerios
Nom nom nom We almost back!
Makes being in hot sweaty VA that much more bearable.. leggo!
While I like it from that standpoint .. I dont like it for the legacy part.. do we retire 23.. twice now. For bron and ad? I know nitpicking and...
I love the guys we are getting .. and I love that it actually looks like we are trying again I still hate the silence and robs smug look....
Cap space cleared! We believe!
I was trying to edit my post. Saw that in the AD thread. Thanks man
What does this do to our max slot? Have we given up?
Sadly Disney has killed this franchise and will stab a dead horse when dumb and dumber get a hold of the next trilogy
Really like this verdugo kid. Balling!
Or we are just old now and cant be bothered
Damnit another you took from me. I knew it was you! We can go half you can be the cookie and I can be the monster.
Appreciate the break down. Still didnt stop a guy from worrying. PTSD and cp3 PTSD.. we worry and are jittery lol thanks. I hope we can get the max
With every passing day it seems more and more unlikely he is coming. With all this cap drama .. in the back of my mind.. I'm thinking .. maybe...
With all this calling back and cap drama.. I was literally afraid that the deal would be reneged or fall through... CP3 ptsd... it's a thing....
Time waits for no man. Time heals all wounds All the time in the world Insert time pun here. Congrats.. guess we have all the time we need now
I so desperately want to change his "first" last name to something with an N.. so we can call him TNT.. cmon!
Horns up.. stood up til 4am to be put to sleep by the super bowl. Ugh. God I hate the Patriots. It would have been worth it and I would be a...
I was there for that game and I dont get to go to too many now. I was so disappointed.. I was teaching my son about pitching duels and that em...