I wonder if the tequila she's making with Michael Jordan is any good.
Wow. Everything you said is wrong.
Uh Lebron, you pushed for the worst trade in the history of professional sports this side of Dirk Nowitski for Robert Tractor Traylor. But what do...
It was one of those gambles that didn't seem super terrible at the time. Thanks to Kobe's dancing with the clippers and killing our trade...
My guess is that whatever crypto they paid AEG with got rug pulled and is worth nothing.
Brick for Durant! Do it Mitch
Seriously though, why can't we go and talk to Bob Myers, Masai Uriji, RC Buford or someone of that ilk and open the bank vault for them and make...
I think Phil wanted to trade Kobe for Kidd, and then Kobe wanted to trade Bynum for Kidd, Mitch must not have liked Kidd too much, heh But...
However he gets traded, he can't see another minute of playing time as a Laker. If that means paying him to sit home, so be it. He is that bad....
With their "guaranteed returns" the wheels may be following off the ponzi scheme.
I couldn't care less about Steph winning another wing. Nor do I care about narratives about who is better than who. Besides no one really thinks...
If he stays, I hope we just cough up the 47 million for him to just stay at home. Don't go to games. Don't go to the practice facility. Just count...
This is a finals I can't bear to watch.
Livestream of press conference on now https://www.nba.com/lakers/livestream
Sheed as an assistant? Let's create the coaching meme team. Why not? What's Zach Randolph up to? How about Ron Artest? Delonte West? Oh wait......
I guess we're all warriors fans for the time being. I don't want the team that cannot be named winning #18.
Well Kevin Garnett is a ******, so his opinion is irrelevant.
Seeing that picture of Lavine in a Laker uniform gave me flashbacks of slalom, it kind of looked like him there.
This year's debacle is definitely on Rob's shoulders. If casual fans could see that Brick would be a dumpster fire, why didn't Rob see it? That's...
He might have whatever it was that killed Brandon Roy's career for all we know.