Just finished some more calls. Spoke to people who have been in very recent touch with Sr. Lakers Mgmt. They haven't heard from Kawhi's camp...
So either Jalen is really tied into this situation, or Kawhi has not made up his mind. With how private Kawhi is being, I'm inclined to believe...
I just got off the phones - been trying to figure out if there's any truth to this Jalen Rose report. From what I can gather, the Lakers have no...
Jalen's report would make sense if Kawhi stays in Toronto - he wouldn't have access to the same revenue streams as he would with the Lakers so he...
Thanks @duce17 @InderPanesar @Battle Tested20 ! I took a quick look and the site looks great but I don't think it's for me. Maybe I'll check it...
@Juaniscool8 I've been hearing a lot about Lakers discussion on this reddit website, can you link me?
Cousins believed that his now former agent leaked information to Adrian Wojnarowski about his difficulty finding a team for the upcoming NBA...
Cousins changed representation, I'm told, after he suspected the leak regarding his market value, or lack thereof, came from his now former agent.
@LA Bron Uncle Dennis's counter point to that was that Kawhi has received tremendous exposure this past week due to his free agency, so it's possible.
@D-Fish Man They don't have as much visibility into the details basketball operations.
Just as an FYI - I'm going to know very little about Kawhi's meetings with other teams, especially Toronto, unless this information is...
@Big Mamma Jamma Yes as @LAvsEverybody stated I was referring to the NB Meeting.
Also I'm just being told this was done over the phone on a conference call, not in person.
@InderPanesar What do you mean?
@Big Mamma Jamma NB said they can't co-brand with LeBron and AD because they don't represent NB. Would be illegal.
Forgot to mention: in response to the Big 3 concern: NB execs pointed out that as Lebron James and Anthony Davis do not endorse NB, it would not...
@yombino No, it shifted to a traditional mgmt consultant plan which then was squashed after the AD trade. Only top officials at the business and...
@jordan-esque I shared a few days ago
Recap from NB meeting this AM. Kawhi did not attend, just his close confidants. NB execs indicated their strong preference was for Kawhi to...
Alright everyone, it was a bit of an uneventful day but unfortunately I will have to sign off a little early for the night. Have another packed...