Popped up. Randomly somewhere
[IMG] Yo pelinka pull the trigger
We don't give a damm. About your body we only. Care about your wheels my man we gonna have to put cast on him while. He plays :Laugh: to prevent...
[IMG] Do it Im a Russ fan but this is an upgrade
I won't be happy w the play in we need atleast 6th seed get our vets some rest for the marathon
Dis y'all see lebron and AD laugh at the crowd gasping when he went down twice
I have a feeling spurs will get richaun
But if tb becomes a starter then
If kings cut richaun Holmes do we go for. Em??
Or keep duarte but that re route sounds better
Hield+duarte for Russ and 2 second rounds gets it done
We already have hillbilly. Kobe can we add Japanese Kobe or Kobe beef :Dwight Shaka:
Maybe wishful thinking on my part but something tells me this kid seeing him look at the rafters and see the jerseys with that twinkle in his eye...
More like if the right move is out there we'll do whatever it takes
[MEDIA] basicly saying everyone on the block :Laugh:
Tonight our lack of shooting showed big time and look at the other side started off with 12 3 pointers
39 so far
I love his answer why use all your bullets when the best move if later when maybe you don't have any bullets left........ Has to keep his 22. In...
False because bog isn't athletic at all and other sfs like kawhi Tatum would blow right pass him like a door