Tv news is for old people. The right is way behind on digital reach.
Independent of the fact whatever this story is, most of the media would have a problem covering most muslim related controversial topics.
I am so looking forward to ESPN not being a kingmaker in that regard...
Oh, but i really tried to make it my brand.
If the resisting arrest thing is real i might put him on the not a role model list. I am willing to be flexible just like people are about jaywalking.
The Internet is cancer.
They have no idea what they are facing. [IMG]
Could somebody make a deviantart pic of ZBO jaywalking with weed in the pokets and banging a Saudi chick in Saud Arabia all at the same time? it...
They are lucky as a prince Draymond was suspended. Should a small market team send high level players to Siberia? Is it a good idea for the long term?
Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter. It would be a blast without all these starfighter missions.
Anyone remembers the article about Bron almost sent home from team USA for being a raging douche and right after that accidentally Lebron had the...
Mistaken post.My bad.
Forgot to mention he is Asian.
Doing all that minus the hooker. plus a short groupie in Saud Arabia liberated from a forced marriage by him. Everyone happy?
Jaywalking, weed in the pockets while slamming a a super short hooker with full force at the same time.
If these statistics are accurate why isn't the US brothel business booming?
Hey, i heard those games have great atmosphere and less people that treat it like a restaurant.
So what? Rarely do msg boards represent the fanbases accurately. The RealGM Bulls board hated DRose despite him selling way more jersey's than he...
It was all over the news and realgm. Come on. Edit: NO POSTING SEXUAL CONTENT -Barnstable
Have you seen that stuff? Are you sure you will even feel anything?