Come on guys, we been through worst. 4.4 is nothing. all the tornados and hurricanes the rest of the country get are worse.
I'll wear Toronto gears, wait do they sell those here?
If he ordered a ceasar salad he is picking the lakers.
I wonder if someone's sister might get fired for leaking details like this?
How will you know there if there is an announcement or not if you dont tune in? lol trust me we all tried to remove ourselves from it and we all...
Damn that s*** is nice! First time seeing his mansion.
Someone went to the store and asked the cashier and she said some tall dude lol. I'm guessing it is him. I love how there are people out there...
I had a better feeling before coming here and reading these comments LOL. Its contagious.
I thought about this too, but dismissed it because that is just evil and I think Kawhi wouldn't do such a thing. But if he did, Karma is a B***.
Silence from Clips and Lakers only LOL. Toronto can do the hell they want. Those were leaks from the organization about the plane, they had...
If they have a presser, wont you think ESPN/FOX media will announce it by now?
LOL regardless, at least the end is near.
Or i tried refreshing LG and it took forever and thought oh crap, he made his decision and the website is down. But then the website loaded then...
I think we are all here because we like the journey. Regardless of what his decision is, we will move on and get bored. Enjoy what is left...
If he doesnt join the Lakers, I hope next year we sweep them in the finals :) That would be so satisfying lol.
The Suns is crap anyway, if they dont want KCP, screw them, we play with what we have.
Am I the only one feel like Kuz didnt D that great tonight?
Bron should always play with this much emotion, we missed it since Kobe left.
Yeah, he plays with more confidence now. You can feel it.
had all the opportunity. Maybe next time drive in first and try to get a feel for the game before throwing up bricks.