-If you really watch Russell, he does most things pretty nondescript. Nothing really stands out,DExcept for a handful of hot shooting games here...
This. So much this.
-It's pretty much night & day watching on TV and then in person. At the arena, he looks quick, spry, getting to his spots, etc. He's getting good...
-Was at Sunday night's game, sitting in loge 101, center court. By late 3rd quarter, two guys near us were heckling Byron pretty bad.. He could...
-Uh, not that it matters in the grand scheme of things, but I was vetted over at LG as well. -But in the end, read what you want, digest it, and...
-Yes, someone said just that on page 55.
-This nightmare season needs to end already. I thought it couldn't get any worse than rooting for losses last year... But at least we were only...
-At this point, it's basically 4th or bust. They won't catch Philly and Minnesota is a lost cause. All those meaningless wins, having to watch Lin...
-I've been dying to see him with his back to the basket, see what he can do.. But it never happens. The few times he's actually posting and...
Exactly. He needs to stop handling the ball. That more than anything, was so maddening to watch last night. He's out there "playing" like he has...
-This x1000. While I'm not saying Monroe is the ultimate solution, LA needs a big down low. Of course Marc Gasol would be preferable, but you take...
-I'm usually browsing while on my phone, so the fact that the site is optimized for mobile and is super blazingly fast... Well great choice. Kudos.
-Today I finally took it off of my phone's bookmarks. Time to turn the page, for me anyways.
-Always read the old site, but could definitely see the change happening over time. Was a bit melancholy, but this place is already miles ahead....