Ha, I love the Miracle-Grow and plants reference.
Looks like it'll be the Brandon Ingram show tonight.
To be honest, he does look to be a heck of a talent... but with that comes with what seems to me to be quite an ego and sense of entitlement....
The "Nanny Stopper"?
Are we looking to sign another PF? Looks like we're 3 deep in every position (assuming Nick stays with the team) except PF. Or should I pencil...
Decent insurance policy considering Calderon gets hurt a lot.
Too bad we couldn't ship Nick out.
What'd we give up?
So do we now have a vet big brother for all of our kids?
Well that was fast.
Not too surprising... but thought for sure he'd give the Thunder one more shot before he bolted.
Sounds like he had some serious media training this past year... dude was pretty inarticulate last year when he was drafted... remember how he'd...
You know, aside from Mozgov getting a little too much per year these two signings are pretty good... we now have two high character guys that play...
Wasn't Mad Dog in charge of analytics for Byron's staff?
Doh, also didn't see that Philly is offering him the max.
So no Harrison Barnes after his choke job in the playoffs? Still might be worth it, he's still young. At least his knees won't scare us like Parsons'.
Maybe... but I also think that the league, and the mentality of the players in this league has changed. The pressure to win a championship...
Honestly, this s*** again?
To paraphrase Kobe, if you didn't win the championship, then it's a failed season... so don't see the last few years of losing as any worse than...
Nice article by Ding on how important DAR is to our future.