Alright, hopefully the hype train dies for this kid soon and he can play without all these expectations on his shoulders.
Why hasn't Brandon done this?
It's the regular season... he needs Kyrie or Ray in the playoffs for that. :rofl:
Hmm, the only fake tough guy I saw on that clip was LeBron standing in front of a rookie trying to take the ball out of bounds... then as soon as...
Please re-sign with Cleveland this off-season LeBron, I don't want to see you soil the Purple & Gold with this tired act.
I agree, we haven't had the best team in baseball (or even NL) until now.
Who'd we give up though?
I'm thinking it's having the opposite effect... LeBron might be even more motivated to win in Cleveland to prove Kyrie that he can win without him...
So Caruso is actually on the roster. Guess this is our roster for now: 1 - Ball/Ennis/Caruso 2 - Pope/Clarkson/Hart 3 -...
Good, now we have some clarity. At least I don't have to pencil Clarkson in at the backup 1 anymore.
Wasn't he a D-League all star? Maybe he's gotten better this past year.
Why no purple paint job with gold rims?
Do it Rob!
Heck, if I were Cleveland I'd trade Kyrie to Boston for a bunch of those picks and go full tank mode... get that rebuild started now and force...
All we know is that he wants out, all that stuff about LeBron is pure speculation.
I see it more as Kyrie knowing LeBron is gone next year and doesn't want to be stuck on a crappy team, with a crappy owner, in a crappy city.
Fake news?
Those knees don't look too bad. He can still elevate on his jump shot.
How many years are we talking about here... 4 year contract? As long as we're not overpaying him during his declining years, I think I can live...
How practical would it be to have the numbers and logos all match in color? That's the only thing that bugs me about some of the designs, and yes,...