So wait - you would put Darryl morey on a pedestal? How about ainge? No thank you.
Correct. Fire laker press guru john black. There is your problem.
I I don't want to argue - but west stepped back not due to age or being in touch or out of touch with NBA rostermaking but one thing - stress /...
Amare from Miami
Amir Johnson
I like you hated mitch when he took over for west. Disagree with you now. Think this inter family squabble is real but also being used to drive...
So looking over the news, rumors, and stuff you all have been posting about this morning I think I am caught up. Crabbe - likely talking about...
Ingram is not going anywhere - neither is d'angelo. You will thank me in 2022
Sad but true. But also why i see us getting Russell when he walks next year. Horford would not sign with KD in OKC because Russell would not...
He will
No. Russell is a great player but not worth two potential all stars
Different slant. If c bags need to clear cap space - who can we pilfer off their roster to help us while they help themselves and weaken the...
Who are they sign and trade ?
Warriors would need to clear cap space. Wouldn't they trade bogut and others to make room? Your dream makes lakers old team with barely a chance...
Was just thinking this myself. Wes Johnson (ugh). Since this is the place for optimism - here is mine for the moment. Lakers now have the...
Vets minimum? Ha ha ha.
All depends upon how the kids gel. I remember when it 'clicked' for that Kobe and Shaq club. granted they were 45 wins on paper and 50 for sure...
This is the kind of move I have been waiting for.... Very smart. Deng is a 'glue guy' and what we have been missing for a while. He also is a...
There are plenty of filler out there. No hurry - you want Ellington ?