Let me add - I want this to happen so lakers can prove they are a viable place for kd and Westbrook to get their chips together Pipe. You bet.
I think KD had some serious talks with mamba to prepare him for this moment. I predict he gives okc 1 more year. They are even more loaded than...
I'll be the first to say it GS is a fluke. Lakers were one of their 9 losses. Once the league figures out the way to get under curry skin - it's...
Do they have room to dump more and take Gasol ?
Magic was recently stripped of his honorary title but that coincided with comments he made on Twitter. Wonder if there was fear of a tampering...
Coffee is for closers! What's my name? (I am sure you get the reference) Preaching to the choir. Even Cuban got outfoxed by balmer and dj...
If he signs with us -'do we applaud mitch?
Cue up law and order theme song
I don't know to tell you the truth. Back in the 80s there were not these dog and pony shows to recruit free agents. The fact they exist now in...
Crabbe reminds me of Powe in a lot of ways. Not just cal connection but the fact that his talent is largely overlooked and his ability to be a...
I think he was in LA partying with every expensive taste he could find and heard the news and was told by his agent - chill out papers aren't...
Glad you are back online. Always enjoy the discussion. I hear you and the frustration on how we missed on Durant. It's ok though - I think in...
Hearing that Durant decision (the decision 2) is not about $$. Watching to see what GS trade rumors start popping as that would be the tip off...
Agree Think it involves package of swaggy for picks and signing a player?
Rondo in Chicago
Interesting time capsule. If I cut and paste right. Jerry does not view Paul as superstar circa 2007. Coaching moves etc...
Case and point.
Ok. Sure read that way to me. Wasn't accusing you of being 'agist' just buying into the nonsense that has plagued Dodgers and Ned coletti.