In all seriousness, though, I am optimistic Kobe will top MJ in Career Points this year.
The way we've played the last two games, it's quite possible we go 0-82. *sarcastic* Oops, wrong thread to be posting this in.
I feel like ever since Jimbo screwed over PJ, there's been nothing but bad vibes surrounding this team. Dr. Buss dies soon after. The Big Four...
What about moving him to...Phoenix. God knows, that's where old people go when they retire. Father Time's waited long enough.
Lin & Price, hands down. C'mon, it's too early in the season to give up on these guys.
Was the team going on a long road trip? What the eff could he have been carrying to injure his back?? What a brittle man this guy is.
I don't know that there has been any player who wore the P&G that gave his blood, sweat, and tears to this team (and to this game, for that...
ESPN ranking Kobe #40 pretty much says Kobe ain't good enough to be a #1 on a team. I don't know that I can accept that yet.
Hope he gets some time tonight
Love how he's not afraid to tell our star-player to tuck his shirt in. Love how he calls our star-player by his old nickname, "Showboat". I don't...
Still playing NBA2K13. Trying to finish just one season/playoffs of it before moving on. Funny thing happened last night. I usually play NBA2K...
Los Angeles,CA (Historic Filipinotown) 1983-1992 Van Nuys, CA 1992-2001 Los Angeles, CA (Historic Filipinotown) 2001-2014 Highland, CA 2014-present
Hmmm...good eye. Not sure. Barns should know.
Since 'antoni was run outta town, along with his 7 seconds-or-less offense, there should be enough time to type something on a phone or iPad...
I hope all the new guys impact the game in some form or fashion. The deeper of a team we are, the longer our vets can rest.
Real-time chat during games (even on a mobile phone) is a huge plus. I will no longer feel alone watching Laker games.
There have been articles over the summer that speak about Kobe working on his one-legged turnaround fade, as well as learning to play an old-man...
^Where is he anyway?