I am also over the Nash disappointment because it's all mushed together with an assload of disappointment the last two years. I also happen to...
In all fairness, those kind of practices are probably a thing of the past......
I wonder if MJ ever did this for his teamates? Granted I don't think he was ever injured for a long stretch but has anyone ever seen him bust out...
Let's just hope the ripple effect is as apparent against the good teams or Kobe will stop attending the games on the bench ;)
Clarkson hs jumped from 10 to 7 on rookie ladder....
No doubt, kinda like lillard in that regard.
Uh... Agreed. Takes total garbage. Rookie point guards that can put up 20ppg are not a dime a dozen in this league. Oh btw... The fact yhat they...
Maybe like runner's high, except you Blackout but continue to work out while unconscious so your muscle memory is enhanced... Manchurian candidate...
Someone's prob already said yhis somewhere but Jordan's performance and improvement would be impressive for a top 5 pick. This guy gets after it...
Blackout workout? What's that?
35 shots to get to 37 points... Who would ever do something like that?;)
Nope we'll be fine when our next captain emerges... In his own manner.
Yeah he looks pretty unchallenged in those clips, guys flyin in the other direction every time he makes a move. That's not going to happen in the...
Are there any recent clips of Mudiay? Butler seems to be a great analogy for Johnson. Physically they are so similar.
Yeah that's what I was wondering because I haven't been able to find any recent clips of Mudiay. Dunno about that guy yet. On the other hand, I...
Didn't you have johnson above mudiay at one point? Just wondering what changed if so. Have there been any new clips of mudiay? Johnson had a poor...
Just make sure they're sitting the 4th but givem minutes so we can max their trade value.
Geeze Rose unfortunately has turned out to be a bust for Chicago. He's apparently a great dude too. I really feel bad for the guy. Such a talent...
Kareem tops Hakeem in almost every category. Hakeem won defensive player of the year twice and Kareem never did but they were both all defensive...
Discussing Stanley Johnson if Phoenix were to get our pick:...